
World Aids Day was first held in 1988 and has always been the opportunity to stand together in solidarity and for people everywhere to come together in memory of those who have died,to show their support for those living with HIV and to campaign for proper health care both those living with HIV and those at risk. We celebrate the progress that has been made but we campaign against the ignorance and prejudice that has all too often placed people in peril.
Thus we give notice of two vigils in Hull and also give notice of our continuing campaigns for mandatory lgbt friendly sex and relationships education in all U.K. schools and call for full funding for PrEP to be provided by the NHS.



Hull Cornerhouse has been active in supporting people threatened by or living with HIV/AIDS since the very earliest days of the epidemic.The Hardy Fund for those in Hull facing hardship continues and donations are welcome


The other event is being organised by Mesmac. It will consist of the creation of a Human Red Ribbon of Light . This will take place at 6.30 at the new amphitheatre opposite The Deep . The plan is for participants to be given red lights to hold up and create the ribbon in order to celebrate progress made but also to demonstrate our opposition to HIV related stigma which still places many needlessly in peril
Free tickets for this event can be obtained from eventbrite at

Campaign for full NHS funding for PrEP.


We welcome the decision of the High Court recently that the NHS in England DOES have the power to pay for drugs that will protect thousands of people from HIV infection and that therefor this provision was not the responsibility of cash strapped local council public health departments. However there is a huge catch because the NHS will still be able to claim that it does not have the cash to fully fund this treatment everywhere. Other needful groups might be given higher priority. Gay men should not be in competition with-for example children with cystic fibrosis. The moral disapproval of the Daily Mail should not be the basis on which tresatment should be provided. Groups should not be in competition with each other. Provision should not be a post code lottery—it should be provided on the basis of need—and be properly funded
We launched our petition on this at 2016 Pride—-and—sadly –the campaign has to go on.

The text reads

Commissioning of Pre-Exposure Prphylaxis on the NHS

The Petition of citizens of the UK

Declares that there are benefits that can be brought ,both in cost,and to the health of the public,should the NHS commission treatment of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis drugs which are recognised to significantly reduce a persons risk of HIV infection,to those who are considered at high risk of being exposed to the HIV virus.

The petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to ensure that NHS England provide and fully fund Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis treatment to high risk persons ,at the earliest opportunity, in order to save lives and costs.

CWL 26/11/2016

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